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HAss Homes

Land Promotion, Development and Planning Gain


Planning Gains are where the value of the property increases due to planning permission being granted on the development. Greenfield is a plot of land that has never been built on before whereas Brownfield is site that has previously been built on. Option to build the scheme or sell and collect the planning gain.


We identify underutilised land and aim to bring it into use to provide residential units that are greatly in need within the local community. This process enhances the value of the land whilst meeting housing demands of the area.

Typically we focus on areas where there is a significant unmet housing need.  Often – but not always – we will look at areas on the edge of an existing town or village. We will also consider brownfield or infill sites.

Working in collaboration with the landowner and local authority, we arrive at a proposal that most closely meets the local housing requirements and that of the landowner; then we will sponsor this through the planning process using our own and JV funds.

The final outcome is that the land is sold to a developer who will build out the proposed scheme ensuring a legacy for the landowner and valuable contribution to the local area. Often, we will look to build out the scheme ourselves.

Our focus is always ensuring the most sustainable development for the area. 


We always search for ways to enhance or extend an existing building or site: for example by building on redundant land to the rear of an existing property. Alternatively we may completely redevelop a particular site, changing it’s use entirely.




The Typical Property Development Process:

Site finding

Development appraisal

Detailed due diligence

The deal


Design, planning & permissions


Exit strategy




We offer Multiple Exit Strategies:  

Plan A:   get planning permission, develop and sell

Plan B:   get planning permission, develop and let

Plan C:   get planning permission and sell on without building



©2020 by HAssHomes

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